Qu’est-ce que la connexion ? L’avez-vous?
En ce qui concerne les chevaux, ma définition de la connexion commence par la connexion mentale, du cœur et de
En ce qui concerne les chevaux, ma définition de la connexion commence par la connexion mentale, du cœur et de
Last month, I had the privilege to participate in a private horse behaviour clinic with my mentor, Linda Parelli. I
This month, my horse Moondance taught me a valuable lesson about leadership. Moondance is a 12-year-old Lusitano 16.2 hands, and
When we interact with horses, we are given the opportunity to look inside our inner world and understand what is
Both horses and humans have built-in flight responses for reacting to stress, but humans have a lot to learn from
Each one of us is unique, and each of us has gifts we can share with the world. Our lives
This month I’d like to share my thoughts about renewing and strengthen relationships of all kind. To me the first
Horses and humans both have built-in flight responses for reacting to stress. But humans have a lot to learn from
The horse knows what we are thinking, often long before we have fully realized it ourselves!! Therefore, interacting with him